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What is bcrypt ?​

Bcrypt is a tool that turns passwords into secret codes (hashes) and adds a random value (salt) to make each password unique. This keeps passwords safe by making them hard to crack, even if someone finds the code.

What Salt is ?​

Bcrypt Use Cases for Password Security​

1. Secure Login Systems​

  • Stores hashed passwords instead of plain text.
  • At login, the password is re-hashed and checked against the stored hash.

2. Protection from Data Breaches​

  • Even if a database is hacked, hashed passwords can’t be easily reversed.

3. Stops Rainbow Table Attacks.​

  • A rainbow table attack is when hackers use a list of pre-made password hashes to guess passwords quickly.

  • Bcrypt stops this by adding a random value (salt) to each password, making every hash unique and harder to guess.

4. Slows Down Brute-Force Attacks.​

  • It takes extra time to hash, making guessing passwords much slower.

How to use bcrypt package ?​

1. Install bcrypt package by command given below.​

npm install bcrypt
2. Hash a Password​
import bcrypt form "bcrypt"

const saltRounds = 10;
const plainPassword = "user_password123";

async function hashPassword() {
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds);
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(plainPassword, salt);
console.log("Hashed Password:", hashedPassword);
  1. Import Bcrypt: The bcrypt library is loaded to handle password hashing.
  2. saltRounds: This sets how strong (and slow) the hashing process should be. The higher the number, the more secure but slower it is.
  3. plainPassword: This is the password that we want to secure (in this case, "user_password123").
  4. hashPassword function
  • Generate Salt: The bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds) function creates a random value (salt) to make the password hash unique.
  • Hash Password: The bcrypt.hash(plainPassword, salt) function combines the plain password with the salt to create a secure hash.
  • Print Hashed Password: Finally, the hashed password is shown on the screen.

3. Verify a Password​

To compare a password during login

import bcrypt form "bcrypt"

const hashedPasswordFromDB = "$2b$10$A1B2C3D4E5...";

async function verifyPassword(inputPassword) {
const match = await, hashedPasswordFromDB);
if (match) {
console.log("Password is correct!");
} else {
console.log("Invalid password!");


1. hashedPasswordFromDB: This is an example of a stored hashed password in the database.​

2. verifyPassword function:​

  • inputPassword: The password entered by the user (e.g., "user_password123").
  • Compare Password:, hashedPasswordFromDB) checks if the entered password matches the stored hashed password.

3. Print Result:​

  • If the password matches, it prints: "Password is correct!"
  • If it doesn’t match, it prints: "Invalid password!"

4. Function Call: verifyPassword("user_password123") runs the function and checks the entered password against the stored hash.​

Happy coding πŸ€–β€‹