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When JSX was created, it was referred to as JavaScript XML eXtensible Markup Language . But now JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript files. JSX syntax allows developers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript files, making it easier to create complex user interfaces.

JSX is HTML like syntax which enables to write JS & HTML at one place.

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript files. JSX syntax allows developers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript files, making it easier to create complex user interfaces.

JSX Is extension to javascript syntax where we can write html & js at the same place

How JSX Works​

Think of JSX as a special type of HTML, but with some rules:

  • Every Tag Must Be Closed: In regular HTML, you can get away with leaving some tags open, like <img>. In JSX, every tag must be properly closed, even self-closing ones.

  • One Parent Element: You can't have multiple elements hanging around on their own in JSX. They need to be wrapped inside a single parent element. It's like putting your ingredients in one container before cooking.

  • Jsx fragment Fragments <> </> in React act like magic boxes, neatly organizing your elements without cluttering your webpage. They're perfect for keeping things tidy and organized without any extra fuss.

  • Jsx JSX is JavaScript's syntax extension for writing HTML-like code directly within JavaScript files,
  • JavaScript Inside Curly Braces: The real power of JSX is that you can include JavaScript inside your HTML-like code using curly braces {}. It's like adding spices to your cooking!

A Simple Example​

function App() {
return (
<h1>Hello {5 + 5}</h1>

In this code, we're creating a component called App. Inside the h1 tag, we have Hello and {5 + 5} inside curly braces. It's like saying, Hello and then calculating 5 + 5, which is 10, and adding it to our message. So, we get Hello 10 as the final result.

JSX Important libraries

  1. react
  2. react-dom
  3. react-script

All this libraries must be installed

What is SPA ??​

React is known as a single page application because it contain only one page and other pages include in it and it uses DOM manupulation for it.

ReactDom It is module in react libraries , ReactDOM specifically focuses on rendering React components to the DOM.

When you write a React application, you create components using React syntax. ReactDOM takes these components and renders them to the browser's DOM, updating them efficiently when the data changes.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

If the code written in { } then that is evaluated as javascript and known asJSX expression. If the code written in [ ] then this code is normal HTML code.