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Components and Props

What is Components?​

JavaScript functions that returns jsx.

In React, a component is a reusable piece of code that defines the structure and behaviour of a part of a user interface. A component is typically written as a JavaScript function or class that returns a JSX element or a tree of elements.

Mostly used in pascalcase.

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

function Card(){
const randomNumber = Math.random();
<h1>Card {randomNumber}</h1>

Output :


Example Explanation :

In Line 1, imports the ReactDOM library from the react-dom/client module. ReactDOM is a part of React that allows you to render components on a web page.

Line 2, This line creates a React root on the HTML element with the ID root. In React, the root is the entry point where your components will be rendered into the HTML document.

Line 4 to 11, This code defines a React functional component called Card. This component generates a random number and displays it within an <h1> tag whenever it is rendered. Essentially, it's a card component with a random number as its content.

Line 12 to 19, the root.render() function is used to render multiple instances of the Card component. It renders four <Card /> components inside a React fragment (<> ... </>).

What is Props?​

props is a shorthand for properties. props means Passing Parameters to component. It refers to a mechanism for passing data from one component to another in a unidirectional flow. A component can receive data as props from its parent component and use it to render its content. Props are read-only, meaning that a component cannot modify the props it receives from its parent. Overall, props help to create reusable and modular components in React.

Example 1 :

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot

function Greeting(props){
<h1>Hello Greeting</h1>

Output :

Hello Greeting

Example Explanation :

In this example, we are using a JavaScript library called React to build a web application.

In Line 1, imports the ReactDOM library from the react-dom/client module. ReactDOM is a part of React that allows you to render components on a web page.

Line 2 and 3, This line creates a React root on the HTML element with the ID root. In React, the root is the entry point where your components will be rendered into the HTML document.

Line 5 and 11, This line define a function called "Greeting" that represents a part of our web page. It displays a heading saying "Hello Greeting."

Line 12 and 16, This line use React to render our "Greeting" component inside the "root" element. This means the "Hello Greeting" message will appear on the web page inside the 'root' element.

Example 2 :

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

function Greeting(props){
<Greeting name = "Anand" city = "Pune"/>

Output :


Example Explanation :

In this example, we are using a JavaScript library called React to build a web application.

In Line 1, imports the ReactDOM library from the react-dom/client module. ReactDOM is a part of React that allows you to render components on a web page.

Line 2, This line creates a React root on the HTML element with the ID root. In React, the root is the entry point where your components will be rendered into the HTML document.

Line 4 and 12, This line define a function called "Greeting" that represents a part of our web page. It displays a heading saying "Hello." Inside the "Greeting" component, we use "console.log(props)" to show the props (information) passed to it.

Line 13 and 17, This line use React to render the "Greeting" component inside the 'root' element. We also pass some information like a name ("Anand") and a city ("Pune") as props to the "Greeting" component.

Example 3 :

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

function Greeting(props){
<h1>I am {} from {}.</h1>
<Greeting name = "Anand" city = "Pune"/>

Output :


Example Explanation :

In this example, we are using a JavaScript library called React to build a web application.

In Line 1, imports the ReactDOM library from the react-dom/client module. ReactDOM is a part of React that allows you to render components on a web page.

Line 2, This line creates a React root on the HTML element with the ID root. In React, the root is the entry point where your components will be rendered into the HTML document.

Line 4 and 11, This line define a function called "Greeting" that takes two pieces of information (props): a person's name and their city. Inside the "Greeting" component, we use "console.log(props)" to show the props (information) passed to it. Inside the "Greeting" component, we display a message using these props, like "I am Anand from Pune."

Line 12 and 16, This line use React to render the "Greeting" component inside the 'root' element. We provide the name as "Anand" and the city as "Pune" as props to the "Greeting" component.

So, when you load the page, you'll see a greeting message that says, "I am Anand from Pune," with the name and city values you provided as props.

Example 4 :

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

function Greeting(props){
const {name, city} = props;
<h1>I am {name} from {city}.</h1>
<Greeting name = "Anand" city = "Nagpur"/>
<Greeting name = "Vaishnavi" city = "Ahmednagar"/>
<Greeting name = "Suraj" city = "Bhandara"/>
<Greeting name = "Pinki" city = "Pune"/>

Output :


Example Explanation :

In this example, we are using a JavaScript library called React to build a web application.

In Line 1, imports the ReactDOM library from the react-dom/client module. ReactDOM is a part of React that allows you to render components on a web page.

Line 2, This line creates a React root on the HTML element with the ID root. In React, the root is the entry point where your components will be rendered into the HTML document.

Line 4 and 12, This line define a function called "Greeting" that takes two pieces of information (props): a person's name and their city. Inside the "Greeting" component, we use these props to create a personalized message, such as "I am Anand from Nagpur".

Line 13 and 20, This line use React to render four instances of the "Greeting" component inside the 'root' element. Each instance has different name and city values passed as props.

When you open the web page, you'll see four greeting messages, each with a different name and city, like "I am Anand from Nagpur," "I am Vaishnavi from Ahmednagar," and so on.

Example 5 :

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

function Greeting(props){
const {name, city, age} = props;
<h1>I am {name} from {city}. I am {age} years old.</h1>
<Greeting name = "Anand" city = "Nagpur" age = "23"/>
<Greeting name = "Vaishnavi" city = "Ahmednagar" age = "22"/>
<Greeting name = "Suraj" city = "Bhandara" age = "23"/>
<Greeting name = "Pinki" city = "Pune" age = "20"/>

Output :


Example Explanation :

In this example, we are using a JavaScript library called React to build a web application.

In Line 1, imports the ReactDOM library from the react-dom/client module. ReactDOM is a part of React that allows you to render components on a web page.

Line 2, This line creates a React root on the HTML element with the ID root. In React, the root is the entry point where your components will be rendered into the HTML document.

Line 4 and 12, This line define a function called "Greeting" that takes three pieces of information (props): a person's name, city and their age. Inside the "Greeting" component, we use these props to create a personalized message, such as "I am Anand from Nagpur.I am 23 years old".

Line 13 and 20, This line use React to render four instances of the "Greeting" component inside the 'root' element. Each instance has different name, city and age values passed as props.

When you open the web page, you'll see four greeting messages, each with a different name, city and age, like "I am Anand from Nagpur.I am 23 years old", "I am Vaishnavi from Ahmednagar. I am 22 years old," and so on.