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User Input & Type Casting

User Input​

Python allows for user input. That means we can ask the user for input. input() To take input from the user.

Example :

name = input("Enter the Student Name :")

Output :

Enter the Student Name : Yogita

Example Explanation :

In the above example, we are taking input from the user with the help of the input function and assign to the variable name and printing name using the print() function. That name value is Yogita.

Showing Output in Formatting way :

name = input("Enter Your Name :")
print("My name is {}".format(name))

Output :

Enter Your Name : Yogita
My name is Yogita.

Example Explanation :

In the above example, we are taking input from the user with the help of the input function and assign to the variable name and print a message My name is {}, this {} means format() function. We assign the name variable in the format() function. So output is My name is Yogita.

Type Casting​

Type Casting is the method to convert the variable data type into a certain data type for the operation required to be performed by users.

Example :

val1 = int(input("Enter the Value 1:"))
val2 = int(input("Enter the Value 2:"))
sum = val1 + val2

Output :

Enter the Value 1 : 100
Enter the Value 2 : 10

Example Explanation :

In the above example,
In 1st line, we are taking input from the user with the help of the input function and type casting this input into the int data type and assign to the variable val1.
In the 2nd line, we typecast the input into the int data type and assign it to the variable val2.
In the 3rd line, we are adding both the variables val1 and val2 and assign them to the variable sum.
In the 4th line, we print the variable sum.

Another Example of another way to Type Casting :

val1 = int(input("Enter the Value 1:"))
val2 = int(input("Enter the Value 2:"))
sum = int(val1) + int(val2)

Output :

Enter the Value 1 : 10
Enter the Value 2 : 10

Example Explanation :

In the above example, we are taking two inputs from the user with the help of the input function and assigning them to the variable val1 and val2 respectively. After that, we are adding both the variables val1 and val2 by typecasting them into the int data type and assigning it to the variable sum. Now we print the variable sum.

Show output in Formatting Way :

val1 = input("Enter value 1 :")
val2 = input("Enter value 2 :")
sum = int(val1) + int(val2)
print("Sum of { } and { } is { }".format(val1,val2,sum))

Output :

Enter value 1 : 25
Enter value 2 :15
Sum of 25 and 15 is 40 .

Example Explanation :

In the above example, we are taking two inputs from the user with the help of the input function and assigning them to the variable val1 and val2 respectively. After that, we are adding both the variables val1 and val2 by typecasting them into the int data type and assigning it to the variable sum. Now we print Sum of {} and {} is {}. That {} means format() function.

Swap two numbers

Example :

a = 10
b = 20

print("Before swapping value of a",a)
print("Before swapping value of b",b)

temp = b
b = a
a = temp

print("After swapping value of a",a)
print("After swapping value of b",b)

Output :

Before swapping value of a 10
Before swapping value of b 20
After swapping value of a 20
After swapping value of b 10

Example Explanation :

In the above example, We have to swap two numbers. we have declared two variables a and b.The value of the a variable is 10 and the value of the b variable is 20.Now we have to swap these two numbers using the third variable. The third variable we declared as temp.Now we stored the second variable b in the temp variable. Stored the value of variable a in variable stored the temp variable in variable a.