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Math Modules

The math modules function is used to perform mathematical operations. There are various math modules functions in python.

math.ceil() Method​

The math.ceil() method is used to round the number up to its nearest in the upward direction.

Example :

import math
num = 16.1
newNumber = math.ceil(num)



Example explanation :

In the above example, we can import the math module in the 1st line. In the 2nd line we can create one variable that is num and in that variable stored the value is 16.1 again we can create one variable that is newNumber. In that variable, we can add the math.ceil() method. And pass in that method the num variable. The ceil is rounding a number upward to its nearest integer and in the next line print newNumber variable.

math.floor() Method​

The math.floor method is used to round the number to its nearest in the downward direction.

Example :

import math
num = 16.1
newNumber = math.floor(num)



Example explanation :

In the above example, we can import the math module in the 1st line. In the 2nd line we can create one variable that is num and in that variable stored the value is 16.1 again we can create one variable that is newNumber. In that variable, we can add the math.floor() method. And pass in that method the num variable. The floor is rounding a number downward to its nearest integer and in the next line print newNumber variable.

math.sqrt() Method​

The math.sqrt() method returns the square root of the number.

Example :

import math
num = int(input("Enter Number...."))
ans = math.sqrt(num)


Enter Number... 100

Example explanation :

In the above example, we can import the math module in 1st line. In the 2nd line we can create one variable that is num in their variable taking input from the user. And again we can create one new variable that is ans here we can added a math.sqrt() pass in their num variable. The sqrt finds the square root of different numbers. And in the next line print ans variable.

math.pi Constant​

The math.pi method is constant in the math module function.

Example :

import math



In the above example, we import math module and print the math.pi value.

date time​

The datetime module is use when you want to find current date and time.

Example :

import datetime
currentDate =

Output :

2023-07-14 05:04:49.217909

Example explanation :

In the above example, we can import datetime module in the 1st line. In the 2nd line we can create one variable that is currentDate. In that variable we can use the module. That module returns the current date and time. In the 3rd line printcurrentDate.

Another Example :

import datetime
currentDate =
print("Year :",currentDate.year )
print("month :",currentDate.month)
print("Day :",

Output :

2023-07-14 05:12:23.635147
Year : 2023
month : 7
Day : 14

Example Explanation:

In the above example, we can import datetime module in the 1st line. In the 2nd line we can create one variable that is currentDate. In that variable we can use the module. That module returns the current date and time. In the 3rd line print currentDate. In the 4th line we can print the currentDate.year that returns the current year. In the 5th line we can print the currentDate.month that returns the current month. In the 6th line we can print the that returns the current day.


The strf method is used to print a day.

Example :

import datetime
print("Dayname :",currentDate.strftime("%a"))

Output :


Example explanation :

In the above example, we can import the datetime. In the 2nd line we can print the currentDate.strftime method. That method returns current day. In that strf function we can used %a that returns the day in short name.

Another Example :

import datetime
print("Dayname :",currentDate.strftime("%A"))

Output :


Example explanation :

In the above example, we can import the datetime. In the 2nd line we can print the currentDate.strftime method. That method returns current day. In that strf function we can used %A that returns the day in full name.