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Installation of NodeJs

  1. Download Node.js Installer : Visit the Node.js official website ( to download the appropriate version for your operating system. If you are using Windows, select the Windows Installer option.
  1. For most users, it is recommended to click on LTS.
  1. Run the Installer : Click on the run button and it will take you to the next step.
  1. Setup Wizard : The Node.js Setup Wizard will open. Click the Next button to proceed.
  1. License Agreement : Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
  1. Choose Components : You'll have the option to customize the components to install. Generally, it's recommended to keep the default selections. Click Next.
  1. Choose Destination Folder : Select the folder where you want to install Node.js. The default location is usually fine. Click Next.
  1. Ready to Install : Review your installation choices. Click "Install" to begin the installation process.

  2. Completing the Node.js Setup Wizard : Once the installation is complete, click Finish to close the installer.

  3. Verify Installation : To verify that Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) were installed correctly, open the Command Prompt or VS code terminal and run the following commands:

node - v;