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Callback Function

A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is intended to be called when a specific event occurs or when a particular task is completed. Callback functions are a fundamental concept in event-driven and asynchronous programming.

  • Passing a Function: You provide a function (the callback) as an argument to another function (often called the "parent" or "caller" function).

  • Execution Control: The parent function carries on with its execution, and at some point, it triggers or calls the callback function based on certain conditions or events.

  • Custom Behavior: The callback function is designed to perform a specific action or set of actions. When it's called by the parent function, it executes those actions.

Example :

function sayHello(){

function useEffect(fn, arr){
fn(); // Here, we're calling the function passed as 'fn', which is sayHello
console.log(arr); // Here, we're logging the 'arr' array to the console

useEffect(sayHello, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
  1. sayHello Function: This is a simple function that logs "Hello" to the console when called.

  2. useEffect Function: It takes two parameters:

    • fn (Function): This parameter is a callback function. In this case, it's the sayHello function, which is the function to be executed.
    • arr (Array): This parameter is an array of values, which will be logged to the console.

    Inside useEffect:

    • It calls the fn function, which is the callback function sayHello. This is where the callback function is used. The callback function is executed when useEffect is called.
    • It logs the contents of the arr array to the console.
  3. Calling useEffect: The useEffect function is called with two arguments:

    • sayHello: This is the callback function that will be executed.
    • ['a', 'b', 'c']: This is an array that will be logged to the console.

So, in this example,

sayHello is the callback function because it's passed as an argument to the useEffect higher-order function.

useEffect is the higher-order function because it takes a callback function (fn) as one of its arguments.

  1. Calls the sayHello function, which logs "Hello" to the console.
  2. Logs the array ['a', 'b', 'c'] to the console.

This demonstrates the use of a callback function (sayHello) within the useEffect function.

Callbacks are commonly used in scenarios where you want to specify a custom action to be executed within another function at a specific point in its execution. In this example, sayHello is the callback function that gets executed within useEffect.