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What is Object destructuring in Javascript?

Object destructuring is the special feature in JavaScript. It is a convenient way to extract data from JavaScript objects and assign them to the variable in more readable way.

Object destructuring allows you to write less code and make it more readable, especially when working with objects with many properties.

Object destructuring provides shorthand syntax to extracting value from the objects and array.

Syntax :

const {} = objectName;

Example :

const student = {
name: "Yogita",
age: "21",
city: "Pune",

// Without destructuring

const name =;
const age = student.age;
const city =;

// With destructuring

const { name, age, city } = student;

console.log(name); // Output: Yogita
console.log(age); // Output: 21
console.log(city); // Output: Pune

In the above example, we created an object student with properties name, age, and city. Then, we used object destructuring to create variables name, age, and city and assigned them the corresponding values from the student object.

What is Ternary Operator ?
  • Ternary Operator is also called Conditional Operator.
  • It is Used to Check the condition and execute a same part of the code based on the condition.
  • Ternary Operator Includes ? and :
  • It has 3 parts 1st is Condition , 2nd is true part and 3rd is false part.
  • In Ternary Operator ,if the condition is true then 2nd part will be executed and if the condition is false then 3rd part will be executed.


condition ? value if true : value if false

<!DOCTYPE html>

let age = 60
let result = (age > 59) ?"Senior Citizen" : "Not a Senior Citizen";


Senior Citizen

Difference between Pre-Increment Operator and Post-Increment Operator?

Pre-Increment Operator: A Variable is prefix(++variable) with increment operator is called Pre-Increment Operator.

In Pre-Increment Operator it increase the value of variable by 1 first and then use it .

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Pre-Increment Operator</title>
let a = 25;
let result = ++a;



Post-Increment Operator: A Variable is suffix(variable++) with increment operator is called Post-Increment Operator.

In Post-Increment Operator it uses the current variable value first and then it increase the value of variable by 1 first .

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Post-Increment Operator</title>
let a = 25;
let result = a++;



Difference between let, const and var?

Firstly we will look about the difference between let, const. let & const both keywords are used to declare a variable.

const: So when we declare variable using const keyword let's say const a; so at that time of decleration and initialization is compulsary. const a = 20; later we can not change the value of const declare variable.

let: On the other hand when we declare variable using let keyword, we can declare it first, then later we can assign the value. We can do both things at the same time declaring and assigning & we can change the value of variable that are declare using let keyword.

var: So var is completly different as compare to this two keyword let & const, & it is not recommended to use var keyword the reason is we can redeclared it and reinitialized. So var is similar to let assigning multiple values is allowed but dangerous characteristic is we redeclare the variables which ar created using var keyword.

How to handle Runtime Error in javaScript?

In javaScript, we Handle a Runtime Error by using try-catch block. we put a possible error throwing code in try block and if error is occured then the catch block is caught a error and handle the error . By using try-catch we can execute a code without interrupted or stoppted the application .

try {
// Possible error throwing code
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error here

try (): In try block we put possible error throwing or code block were error occure in runtime .For Example,API's call . So that we can execute this block safetly it the error occure then this error catch by catch block.

catch(error): catch block receive a error object . In error object their are multiple parameters like error message , error name , error stack this things available in error object. By using error message we can safely show the message of the error to the user just like error message we can use error name and error stack also.

In this way our whole execution will not be interrupted or stopped but we will handle the error safely .

try {
const a = 10;
} catch (e) {

<summary>What is Template String?</summary>
Template string is just string in Javascript. We declare template string using `(backtik)`. Now inside this template string we can inject value of variable using placeholder. And we can create placeholder using $ doller curly bracket open close and inside this placeholder we write the name of variable. So whenver We use this string along with other strings it will consider value of variable.


```js showLineNumbers=true
let name = "RTC";
console.log(`Hello ${name}`);


c is not defined
Hi Hello RTC

Explain common Math functions available in JS.
The built-in JavaScript Math functions make it simple and accurate to perform mathematical operations in your code. They manage standard tasks like calculating powers and square roots, determining the highest or lowest integer, rounding, and more. Your code becomes shorter, faster, and less prone to errors as a result.


  • toFixed()
  • Math.ceil(x)
  • Math.floor(x)
  • Math.round(x)
  • Math.pow(x,y)
  • Math.abs(x)
  • Math.min(x)
  • Math.max(x)
  • Math.sqrt(x)

1.toFixed():- toFixed() method in JavaScript is used to format a number using fixed-point notation . By choosing how many decimal places to return, you can adjust the floating-point number.

Syntax :


number :-The number you want to format.

digits :-The number of decimal places to keep in the result.

Example :

const number = 541.6422773427; const formattedNum = number.toFixed(2);

Output :


2.Math.ceil(x):- Math.ceil() function in JavaScript is used to round the number passed as a parameter to its nearest integer in an Upward direction of rounding i.e. towards the greater value.

Syntax :


Example :

const value = Math.ceil(7.3); console.log("Ceiling value = " + value);

Output :


3.Math.floor(x):-Javascript Math.floor() method is used to round off the number passed as a parameter to its nearest integer in a Downward direction of rounding i.e. towards the lesser value.

Syntax :


Example :

const value = Math.ceil(7.3); console.log("Ceiling value = " + value);

Output :


4.Math.round(x):- The Javascript Math.round() method is used to round a number to its nearest integer. If the fractional part of the number is greater than or equal to .5, the argument is rounded to the next higher integer. If the fractional part of the number is less than .5, the argument is rounded to the next lower integer.

Syntax :


Example :

const val1 = Math.round(6.2); console.log("Round value = " + val1); const val2
= Math.round(6.6); console.log("Round value = " + val2);

Output :

   Round value = 6
Round value = 7

5.Math.pow(x,y):- The Math.pow(x, y) function in JavaScript is used to raise the base x to the power of the exponent y.

Syntax :


Example :

const value = Math.pow(5, 2); console.log("Power of value = " + value);

Output :

Power of value = 25

6. Math.abs(x):- This function always returns the positive (+ve) value of x.

Syntax : Math.abs(x)

Example :

const val1 = Math.abs(8.4); console.log("Absolute value = " + val1); const
val2 = Math.abs(-8.4); console.log("Absolute value = " + val2);

Output :

Absolute value = 8.4
Absolute value = 8.4

7.Math.min(x):- It returns the minimum value from the given arguments.

Syntax : Math.min(x)

Example :

const value = Math.min(10, 6, 20, 21, 17); console.log("Minimum value = " +

Output :

Min value = 6

8.Math.max(x) :- It returns the maximum value from the given arguments.

Syntax : Math.max(x)

Example :

const value = Math.max(10, 16, 20, 21, 17, 55, 32); console.log("Maximum value
= " + value);

Output :

Max value = 55

9.Math.sqrt(x) :- It returns the square root of the given arguments.

Syntax : Math.sqrt(x)

Example :

const value = Math.sqrt(225); console.log("Square Root = " + value);

Output :

 Square Root = 15
What is JSON ?
  • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.
  • JSON is oriented from JavaScript Object and it representation is almost similar to js object.
  • It is mandatory to keep a key in String formate i.e" "
  • JSON is not only limited for JS is use in any other language also like Java,Kotlin ,etc..
  • JSON is build to support transfer data to all other language as well because of its popularity in API'S.

Simple Example of JSON

"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"Add": "Pune",
"Mobile No": 7878899889
  • In JSON object we can add another object(nested object) also. Let's see a simple example of JSON object having another object.
"Institute Name": "Road To Code",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "Lotus Hospital,PlotNo-404,Pune",
"city": "Pune",
"state": "Maharastra",
"pin code": "412307"
  • In Array ,We can add JSON object.JSON array can store multiple values or multiple object also. It can store string, number, boolean or object in JSON array.

const employees = [
"email":"[email protected]"
"email":"[email protected]"
"email":"[email protected]"
"email":"[email protected]"


What is localStorage in Javascript ?
  • localStorage is feature of web browser where we can store data permanantly even user closes or refreshes the web page.

  • Data can not be share between two browser. For Example if user store data in chrome browser it only visible for chrome not MicrosoftEdge.

  • In localStorage the value is store in key-value formate values in generic datatype like number,boolean,string.

To Work With LocalStorage we have 4 Method :

1.setItem(key,value) : setItem(key,value) method is use for storing the data in localStorage. In this method their are two parameters : the key its represent the name of data and value it may be string, boolean, number or object.


localStorage.setItem("user", "Akash");

2.getItem(key) : getItem(key) method is use for retriving the data from LocalStorage. It takes the key as a parameter and returns the corresponding value..



3.removeItem(key) : removeItem(key) method is use to remove a specific item from localStorage. It takes the key of the item you want to remove from the localStorage.


4.clear()::clearItem() is used to remove all the data stored in localStorage.


To store complex object we need to use method of JSON.Stringify() and JSON.parse()

What is use of JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() ?

JSON.stringify(): JSON.stringify() convert javascript data which can be various datatype form like normal string, number, array, it can be object. Data of this format will be converted into proper string using JSON.stringify().

localStorage.setItem("userdata", JSON.stringify("gayatri"));

JSON.parse(): When we apply JSON.parse this method will convert stringify data to in it's original form.

What are the various type of function in JavaScript?


Functions are the reusable block of code in javascript. Which is executed when it called There are mainly five type of functions in javascript

  • Named Fuctions
  • Arrow Fuctions
  • Callback Fuctions
  • Higher Order Fuctions
  • IIFE Fuctions
What is arrow function in JavaScript?
Arrow function is anonymous function that mean It doesn't have any name of identifier,arrow funtion allow you to create function in a cleaner way compared to regular function. syntax of arrow functions
() => expression;
What is callback function in JavaScript?
callback function in Javascript are the function who passed as parameter in another function. example of callback functions is arrow fuctions
settimeout(() => {
console.log("hello world");
}, 5000);

in above example arrow function which passed as parameter is callback function

What is higher order function in JavaScript?
higher order fuctions are the fuctions in javascript who received another fuctions as parameter , example of higher order functions are settimeout, setinterval, map,foreach,filter etc.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.foreach((element) => {

above foreach function is higher order fuction because it is recieving arrow function as parameter

What is Immediate Invoked Function Expression(IIFE) in JavaScript?
IIFE stands for Immediately Invoked Function Expression That means It got executed when it is initialized and IIFE fuctions are also anonymous function. it doesn't have any name or identifier
(function () {
console.log("hello world");