Increment Operator & Decrement Operator (++, --)
Increment Operrator (++)​
count + 1 = 1
count + 1 = 2
count + 1 = 3
Increase number by 1
a = 5
a - 1 = 4
a - 2 = 3
Decrease count by 1
Increment Operator​
* Inc Operator :
1. Pre-Increment
ex : ++number;
(first increase then use)
2. Post-Increment
ex : number++;
(first use then increase)
Example 1 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a=10;
cout<<"initial value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
cout<<"value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
return 0;
Output :
initial value of a : 10
value of a : 11
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare a
variable and its value is 10
Line 8 : Print initial value of a :
and a
using cout
Line 10 : a++
Post Increment
operator .
Line 12 : Print value of a :
and a
using cout
Example 2 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a=10;
cout<<"initial value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
cout<<"value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
return 0;
Output :
initial value of a : 10
value of a : 11
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare a
variable and its value is 10
Line 8 : Print initial value of a :
and a
using cout
Line 10 : --a
Pre Increment
operator .
Line 12 : Print value of a :
and a
using cout
Example 3 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 10;
cout<<"initial value of a :"<<a<<"\n";
int count = a++;
cout<<"value of count : "<<count<<"\n";
cout<<"initial value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
return 0;
Output :
initial value of a : 10
value of count : 10
initial value of a : 11
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare a
variable and its value is 10
Line 7 : Print initial value of a :
and a
using cout
Line 9 : Initialized count value and assign a++
Line 10 : Print value of count :
and count
Line 11 : Print initial value of a :
and a
Example 4 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 10;
cout<<"initial value of a :"<<a<<"\n";
int count = ++a;
cout<<"value of count : "<<count<<"\n";
cout<<"initial value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
return 0;
Output :
initial value of a : 10
value of count : 11
initial value of a : 11
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare a
variable and its value is 10
Line 7 : Print initial value of a :
and a
using cout
Line 9 : Initialized count value and assign ++a
Line 10 : Print value of count :
and count
Line 11 : Print initial value of a :
and a
Decrement Operator​
* Dec Operator :
1. Pre-Decrement
ex : --number;
(first decrease then use)
2. Post-Decrement
ex : number--;
(first use then decrease)
Example 5 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 10;
cout<<"initial value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
int count = --a;
cout<<"value of count : "<<a<<"\n";
cout<<"value of a : "<<a"\n";
return 0;
Output :
initial value of a : 10
value of count : 9
value pf a : 9
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare a
variable and its value is 10
Line 7 : Print initial value of a :
and a
using cout
Line 9 : Initialized count value and assign --a
Line 10 : Print value of count :
and count
Line 11 : Print initial value of a :
and a
Example 6 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 10;
cout<<"initial value of a : "<<a<<"\n";
int count = a--;
cout<<"value of count : "<<a<<"\n";
cout<<"value of a : "<<a"\n";
return 0;
Output :
initial value of a : 10
value of count : 10
value pf a : 9
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare a
variable and its value is 10
Line 7 : Print initial value of a :
and a
using cout
Line 9 : Initialized count value and assign a--
Line 10 : Print value of count :
and count
Line 11 : Print initial value of a :
and a
Example 7 :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num = 15;
cout<<"Number : "<<num<<"\n";
int count = num++;
cout<<"Count : "<<count<<"\n";
count = --num;
cout<<"Count : "<<count<<"\n";
cout<<"Number : "<<num<<"\n";
return 0;
Output :
Number : 15
Count : 15
Count : 15
Number : 16
Explanation :
Line 6 : Declare num
variable and assign value 15
Line 7 : print Number :
Line 9 : declare count
variable assign num++
Line 10 : print Count :
Line 12 : assign --num
into count
variable .
Line 13 : print Count :
Line 15 : num++
Line 16 : print Number :