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ASCII and String Operations​

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

ASCII Value of a Character

A -> 65
B -> 66
C -> 67
Z -> 90

a -> 97
b -> 98
c -> 99
z -> 122

Example : 1

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
char alpha = 'A';

cout<<"Char : "<<alpha;

return 0;

Output :

Char: A

Explanation :

In a line no 5 we declare one variable that name has alpha and store A character, datatype is char.
print Char : and alpha variable using cout.

Example : 2

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
char alpha = 'A';
int val = alpha;

cout<<"Char: "<<alpha<<endl;
cout<<"ASCII :"<<val;

return 0;

Output :

Char: A

Explanation :

In a line no 5 we declare one variable that name has alpha and store A character, datatype is char.
In a Line no 6 we declare int variable that name has val, store value of alpha variable.
print Char : and alpha variable using cout, endl for new line.
print ASCII : and val variable using cout.

Example : 3

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
char alpha = 'b';
int val = alpha;

cout<<"Char: "<<alpha<<endl;
cout<<"ASCII :"<<val;

return 0;

Output :

Char: b

Explanation :

In a line no 5 we declare one variable that name has alpha and store b character, datatype is char.
In a Line no 6 we declare int variable that name has val, store value of alpha variable.
print Char : and alpha variable using cout, endl for new line.
print ASCII : and val variable using cout.

Example : 4

   #include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

int ascii = 99;

char alpha = ascii;

cout<<"ASCII: "<<ascii<<endl;
cout<<"Char: "<<alpha;

return 0;

Output :

Char: c

Explanation :

In a line no 5 we declare one variable that name has ascii and store 99 character, datatype is int.
In a line no 7 we declare char variable and store value of ascii variable.
print ASCII : and ascii variable using cout, endl for new line.
print Char : and alpha variable using cout.

How to convert capital letter into small.

capital -> small
A -> a
cap ascii + 32 => small
65 + 32 => 97
97 <= a

Example : 5

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

char capital;
cout<<"Enter Capital: ";

char small = capital + 32;

return 0;

Output :

Enter Capital : B

Explanation :

In a Line no 5 we declare one variable that name has capital, datatype is char.
Print Enter Capital: from user using cout.
store value of capatial using cin
We declare small variable and store capatial + 32
print small variable using cout

Example : 6

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
string name;
cout<<"Enter Capital Name: "<<endl;

int i = 0;

name[i] = name[i]+32;

cout<<"Small Letter is :"<<name;


Output :

Enter Capital Name : ACHAL
Small Letter is : achal

Explanation :

In a Line no 5 we declare one variable that name has name, datatype is string.
print "Enter Capital Name: "from user using cout.
initialised i variablle store value 0, datatype is int.
Start while loop and check condition (name[i]!='\0').
we declare array name[i] and store value of name[i]+32 .
Print Small Letter is : and name variable using cout.

Example : 7

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
string name;
cout"<<Enter Capital Name: "<<endl;

int i = 0;

name[i] = name[i]+32;

cout<<"Small Letter is :"<<name;


Output :

Enter Capital Name : HELLO
Small Letter is : hello

Explanation :

In a Line no 5 we declare one variable that name has name, datatype is string.
print "Enter Capital Name: "from user using cout.
initialised i variablle store value 0, datatype is int.
Start while loop and check condition (name[i]!='\0').
we declare array name[i] and store value of name[i]+32 .
Print Small Letter is : and name variable using cout.

WAP to convert small letter into capital.

small -> capital
a -> A
small-ascii - 32 => cap ascii
100 - 32 => 97

Example : 8

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

char small;
cout<<"Enter Small: ";

char capital = small - 32;

return 0;

Output :

Enter Capital : a

Explanation :

In a Line no 5 we declare one variable that name has small, datatype is char.
Print Enter small: from user using cout.
store value of small using cin
We declare capatial variable and store small - 32
print capital variable using cout

Example : 9

int main() {

string name;
cout<<"Enter Small Name: ";

int i=0;

name[i] = name[i]-32;

cout<<"Capital Letter is: "<<name;
return 0;

Output :

Enter small name: hello
Capital Letter is: HELLO

Explanation :

In a Line no 5 we declare one variable that name has name, datatype is string.
print "Enter Small Name: "from user using cout.
initialised i variablle store value 0, datatype is int.
Start while loop and check condition (name[i]!='\0').
we declare array name[i] and store value of name[i]-32 .
Print Small Letter is : and name variable using cout.